

As wool is the product that best defines the Merino breed, special attention should be paid to it.

Merino wool is still considered today as the “Queen of Fibers”, since its natural properties and skills, despite the attempts made by man, have not been equaled. Considered a “Masterpiece of Nature”, science has not been able to produce another fiber that possesses its natural properties.

The Merino sheep is the best textile factory in the world, it produces 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each Merino wool fiber grows approximately 0.3 mm per day, so that a sheep is capable of producing about 9,000 km of fiber per year. In addition, it does not depend on a source that is depleted with its exploitation, unlike the hydrocarbons that provide the raw material for man-made fibers.

Shearing at the beginning of summer is necessary and very beneficial for the welfare of the animals. Thanks to this ancient practice, we obtain the necessary fiber to make the garments, whose main function is, as with sheep, the protection of our skin in any season of the year.


Currently, Merino wool continues to be a benchmark for the global textile industry, thanks to its properties:

Double thermal insulation, insulates both from cold and heat.

Repels water, it can be in contact with fog or little rain without absorbing water, thanks to its natural fat
It is very breathable, due to the low diameter of the fibers and the air pockets that form between them.
It maintains the heat despite being damp or wet.
Delays or eliminates the appearance of odours. Merino wool has natural antibacterial properties, preventing sweat from seeping into the fabric and causing bad odours.
It contains keratin, which protects it from ultraviolet rays, which gives high durability to garments made with Merino wool.
Unlike other wools, Merino wool is very soft to the touch, which prevents itchiness on contact with the skin.
Non-flammable, by working with so much fiber, maximum flexibility and resistance to fire are achieved, among others.
Being a 100% natural fiber, it is 100% ecological and 100% biodegradable, unlike its artificial competitors, all of them derived from petroleum, which leave a negative impact on our environment.
Unlike other wools, Merino wool has great elasticity thanks to the high number of undulations or curls in its fibers. This makes the garments easily recover their shape, and adapt like a second skin to our body, thus facilitating our movement.
Merino breed logo

100% Native Breed

Merino wool is the result of effort and perseverance to achieve something unique. Textile experts fully understand the importance of working with this noble raw material. The “100% Native Breed” logo on the label is a seal of trust for this high-quality fiber.