The meat industry is an economic activity that forms a great pillar in the economy of our country. The different types of livestock have managed in recent years, thanks to their support of sustainable production, to become a power in the industry.

This sector has the purpose of producing goods that come from animal origin , either for food consumption or as raw material for other industries. Over the years, the livestock sector and the different types of livestock have maintained a very high importance in the primary activities of the economy worldwide.

Within the livestock sector, several livestock practices can be differentiated according to the production process that it develops and then we will explain which are the most recommended.

Intensive farming, a type of fast, healthy and continuous farming

Intensive livestock farming is characterized by keeping the animals used in the livestock activity established in optimal conditions of temperature, health care and food. This well-being allows the production of this livestock to be fast, healthy and continuous. The main disadvantage of this livestock is the high energy consumption . This livestock allows a selection of the breeds to be used in the different types of production.

Mixed type livestock

This type of livestock is the mixture of extensive livestock and intensive livestock, using the environment or stables as appropriate for production. This livestock obtains the best of both types of livestock, obtaining the energy advantages that extensive livestock presents and the continuous production that intensive livestock presents. The main disadvantages are the high energy consumption and the great environmental impact.

Nomadic livestock, a type of livestock with natural feeding

Nomadic livestock farming focuses its production on large areas where the cattle graze, obtaining natural food. Throughout the development of this type of livestock, the cattle are moved through different lands from which they will obtain resources and food. The main advantage offered by this type of livestock is the possibility of taking advantage of natural resources in areas where it is difficult to grow crops.

organic farming

This type of livestock is characterized by being the production system that seeks to obtain the resources of this sector with the highest quality without using substances or chemical products that alter production, whether they are chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc… The animals in this type of production are found in a ample and free space where they maintain natural habits , with great well-being. The main advantage of organic farming is obtaining higher quality products, compared to the disadvantage that animal care is more expensive.

Transhumant Livestock, among the types of livestock you should know

Transhumance livestock is a type of livestock in which animals are moved according to the season of the year to areas where the fields have food that the livestock can consume.

This type of livestock has great advantages, since it allows the livestock to obtain food in a less expensive way. In addition, the fertility of the soils in which this livestock is developed is increased, allowing the dispersion of seeds and fertilizing the soil with the manure of the livestock.

The main disadvantage of this livestock is the difficulty of carrying out this activity continuously.

For a livestock company, choosing a type of livestock is the basis that will set the guidelines for the care and feeding of the livestock itself. To achieve a level of quality appropriate to each type of production, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of livestock.