1st Conference on animal welfare in wool producing sheep

1st Conference on animal welfare in wool producing sheep

Great interest from the Merinista sector in the Conference on “Animal Welfare in Sheep Producers of Wool”, organized by the Rural Environment Training Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Population and Territory of the Junta de...
What products are derived from and manufactured with wool?

What products are derived from and manufactured with wool?

To this day, most of the wool produced is used for making clothing. But there are also many wool products that are very useful and that are not so well known. His flexibility and durability , combined with its odor and fire resistance properties , make it suitable for...
Why are merino sheep so important in Spain?

Why are merino sheep so important in Spain?

If you have ever heard of Merino sheep and their importance, but you don’t know much about them, this is your article! Next, we will tell you why this breed is so successful throughout the history of the breeds. sheep in Spain . First of all, the first thing you...
Origin and characteristics of the merino sheep

Origin and characteristics of the merino sheep

the merino sheep It is a very important and popular breed of domestic sheep. It is originally from Spain, but today it has reached many other parts of the world, due to its high quality of wool and other products. Thus, If you want to know how, when and why the merino...
10 curiosities of the sheep

10 curiosities of the sheep

From the Merino Breed, as we are professionals in the sector, but we also like to surprise you, we want to bring you 10 curiosities of the sheep that will leave you speechless. This article is useful whether you work in the animal sector or not, or if you are simply...